About Me
Look who's here!
We had some real famous celebrities attend our Thanksgiving dinner. There were Princesses, a pirate from the Caribbean and his infant son, a candied M&M, three Stripling warriors and a Rock star. Look for them next on "Dancing With the Stars"

99 yard touchdown?
Thanksgiving Day
Virginia Turkey Bowl
Players include Bryan, Reed, Kyle, Roc, Dustin, Emily, Aiden, Roger, Richard and Kevin Worth.
Virginia Turkey Bowl
Players include Bryan, Reed, Kyle, Roc, Dustin, Emily, Aiden, Roger, Richard and Kevin Worth.
Meet Asher, the League President
More Football
I found in my files more really good photos that Grant (AKA Dad and Grandpa) had taken of the Turkey bowl that I decided to publish them as well. It is so fun seeing someone getting away from others chasing them. There were at least three 99 yard touchdowns during that game. (According to some of the players).
Emily pursued by Reed and Kyle
Kyle running to catch a pass from Kevin. Dustin, Emily pursuing. Roger just standing there? (JK, Rog).
Aiden enjoying getting out of the reach of Kevin and Kyle.
Everyone, including Dustin, Aiden and Bryan watched to see if Kyle could complete that interception. Wow did he try!
Beautiful pass by Kyle. Look at that form!
Friends, glorius friends.
It is time for you to meet my new friends and see the guys I "hang out with" during the week. Here you will meet Donna, Barbara and Susan. Then I'll post pics of one of my swim classes and the group I line dance with.

This is Susan, I also met her in swim class and we line dance together. She and Donna are old friends from way back, but they lost track of each other until one day they both came to our swim class. It was a happy reunion believe me. Susan also line dances with us. She is always this happy.

This is the group I line dance with. They call themselves the "Happy Hoofers". There is a lady in the group who started dancing at the inception of the group 25 years ago and she is now 95. That means when she first started she was already 70 years old!!! They perform about 6 or 8 times (with different routines and costumes) each month. So when we attend their practices they are reviewing the dances they will perform that month and starting to re-introduce the dances with which they are already familar for use the next month. We work on at least 6 dances each practice. Whew! Since it is solely review to them they never really give us instruction, we just join in the back line and try to copy what they are doing. It works fine until a step turns us half a turn around and then the back line becomes the front line and we don't know what to do because we have no one to look at. It is great fun!!!
Donna is the one on the right. She is the one responsible for me starting to line and tap dance. Donna and I also attend the same yoga class.
This is Barbara (she is known as the Lady With the Hat-she never goes anywhere without one). I met Barbara when I first started swimming. She and I go to a non-denominational Bible Class together.
Just about a year ago one of my Visiting Teachers encouraged me to go to the University's gym known as the Freedom Center to get in some exercising. I have made some wonderful friends in one class in particular and will share some pics below. I have also added Yoga (actually gentle yoga) to my repertoire. No pics of people in that class, I don't even know any of them-because it is so serious, we never say a word. In swimming it is just the opposite, sometimes the conversations over power the teacher's instructions, but that is why we have such a good time
The group pictured here is a very friendly group; we even go out to breakfast together once a month (after we have sufficiently exercised of course).
The group pictured here is a very friendly group; we even go out to breakfast together once a month (after we have sufficiently exercised of course).
No pictures of the tap class, there is nothing really to see (6 people in a room with one wall that is all mirror and that is about it.) If there was sound with the blogs, that would be something to share. I love the sound of taps!!!
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